
Highly scalable digital services: from Sync & Share to compute & storage and beyond to containers, specialized applications for artificial intelligence or machine learning—we enable access to cloud services for participating organizations in science and research.

Cloud services for science and research

Many workflows for research and education purposes are fundamentally different than those used for commercial or personal purposes. Further, the ways in which we conduct research or teaching are constantly, rapidly changing. These dynamics ultimately affect how cloud services for science should be procured, whether the focus is a question of information security, performance, or scalability. In any case, depending on the use case, these considerations all have solutions.

In light of these issues, members of the DFN Association decided to organize and further develop a portfolio of cloud services under the auspices of the DFN-Cloud to compliment and fill out the IT services provided at participating institutions.

DFN-Cloud offers cloud services provided by either scientific organizations (federated cloud services) or commercial providers (external cloud services).

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions related to DFN-Cloud: